Another interesting piece by Charly Boy. Enjoy...
The other day I was at the departure hall at Nnamdi Azikewe airport waiting for my flight. I was tucked away at a corner, from people's preying eyes, at least so I thought. My flight was delayed so I had about 2hrs to kill. As I reached into my backpack to get my iPad and keep myself busy till boarding time, a man with two teen girls approached me; they were all beaming with the most enchanting smiles I have ever seen. "Charly these are my daughters, they’ve been worrying me that they want to take pictures with you” I obliged, as their father took position to capture a golden moment for his two teen daughters.
Before anyone could say Charly, the boy in me jumped out. There I was clowning around, making funny faces, as the girls caught the monkeying around bug. And to everyone's entertainment and amusement, we turned the whole departure hall into a photo studio and a runway, hummm! Oh boy come and see. All of a sudden most of the waiting passengers, teens, youths, mums and dads started to lineup for their own Kodak moments. Na who find trouble now?
It is always at times like this that I feel special and loved, and
all I want to do is give back that love to all the people showing me
warmth. Not too far from where I was
displaying and forming model tins,
from the corner of my eye, I caught a young man probably in his late 30s giving
me some very dirty look. I don't think it was his frustration that got his face
twisted with those hating eyes that kept piercing my smooth baby skin. Kai!!!
If looks could kill, I would have been dead ten times over, no be small tin. You
don't need to be psychic to know that the man is not a CharlyBoy lover, but a
hater. Yesoooooooo! I may not be James Bond 007, but I assassinated that hater
with my smile.
A hater is someone that just
can't stand you, usually your success. They hate you for who you are. They are
merchants of gossip and all malicious stories about you. They even like to
recruit members into their haters club; on the Internet they hold sway. Haters
hate you for your accomplishments, youthfulness, attractiveness, popularity,
but guess what? Most of the time they don't even know why they hate on you.
Some haters come from the lowest social ladder, they are as green and as
ignorant as they come, I swear. These "winche"
people are everywhere. For haters, hate is the only way they can cope and go on
with their lives. They usually suffer some insecurity or inadequacies.
If you are on top your game, you
must have haters, no escaping. I rather have real haters than fake fans. It is
important to be mature in dealing with these prematures’. Being able to sift
through people's envy and bad intention towards you for the valuable truth in
their criticism is often a key to being great and surviving people's bad belle
and nonsensical jargon. As my head kept playing back some very famous haters in
my life and how they chopped all the bull shit and the shenanigans I dished
out. A beautiful middle aged woman came to sit by my side. I have been watching
you, she said. "How do you manage with people swooping all over you like
that" referring to the short drama that just took place. "I read your articles on Linda's blog
all the time, most of all I admire your courage in being your authentic self,
how did you build such a thick skin."
If I walk tall, how is that my fault?
I live my life the way I please, how is that supposed to affect anybody’s peace.
Shame if they think I care, shame if they think I would flair. I no send dem atall atall. Free Me!!!
Haters are usually people with
little social consequence to you. See dem, yahoo boys with no laptop. They are
validation that you are a big deal. The more successful you are, the stronger,
the more opinionated, I tell you, and the less you will be generally liked. But
Hey! Cut yourself a slack and ignore haters.
Instead, focus on turning people
who like your dream to people who love your dream. I have noticed that the
average or the ordinary don't get bothered by haters, only outstanding people,
“weird" people, crazy people, unusual people, in short, people who don't
stand up never get stoned at.
Haters hate either because they
don't understand or they can't imitate. Little do they know that their hating
is their sincerest form of flattery. Haters only hate things they can't get or
people they can't be. For me sha! I
don't have time for haters, I have ignored
Haters, all my life I just keep
doing what I do best, treating others with love and respect always. So! Don't
waste your time with this silly hating game! Because dem no see you dem no send you.
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